© Copyright 2010 - 2024 Psychkwondo

  1. At all times, students must respect and obey the instructor.
  2. Students must also show respect for all other students at all times regardless of rank.
  3. Students must show respect for there training environment and all training aids.
  4. Conduct yourself in a formal, respectful manner at all times when in the school.
  5. Do not interfere in any way with class in progress.
  6. At no time engage in horseplay on the training area or in the school.
  7. Keep hands and feet off the walls.
  8. Unnecessary roughness, crude language, or display of ill-temper is forbidden.
  9. Always observe etiquette in the training area, including bowing when entering or leaving the school and wearing an approved uniform in the training area.
  10. No chewing gum or food is allowed in the training area.
  11. No one under the influence alcohol or a prohibited substance may train.
  12. Smoking is prohibited in the school.
  13. Always conduct yourself in a manner befitting your art and your club.
  14. Refrain from making critical comments about other styles, students or instructors.

Conduct In General

  1. Prompt attendance is expected. If you are unavoidably late you shall, after entering the class wait quietly at the side until acknowledgment from the instructor before joining the class.
  2. Repeated late attendance will result in not being allowed into class.
  3. All students must show proper respect to instructors and fellow students.
  4. During sparring and training students are to be careful not to make contact through neglect or carelessness.
  5. There will be no unnecessary talking during instruction periods.
  6. You may ask questions during class by raising your hand and waiting to be recognized.
  7. Contradicting instructors or complaining during class is strongly discouraged. Instructors are happy to discuss any issues individually away from the class.
  8. Instructors are to be addressed with their appropriate title. It is proper etiquette to bow to your instructor before and after speaking with them.
  9. You may not leave the training area at any point without the explicit permission of the instructor.
  10. You may not eat, talk, swear, put your hands on your hips, stand with your arms crossed, lean against the walls, sit in an inappropriate manner at any point during class.

Conduct In Class